A publicat in The Baltimore Sun, The Chicago Tribune, Playboy Magazine si The New York Times.Este editor al revistei de avangarda poetica Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Letters and Life si preda cursuri de creative writing la Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Mare parte din lucrarile sale au fost traduse si publicate in limba romana.
Este autorul urmatoarelor volume de poezie:
Comrade Past and Mister Present, Tovarasul Trecut si Domnul Prezent, 1991, Belligerence, Beligeranta, 1993 Alien Candor: Selected Poems, Candoare straina: poeme alese, 1970 - 1995, 1996
Volume de eseuri:
The Life and Times of an Involuntary Genius, 1975 In America's Shoes, 1983 A Craving for Swan, 198 Raised by Puppets Only to Be Killed by Research, 1989 The Disappearance of the Outside: a Manifesto for Escape, 1990 The Hole in the Flag: A Romanian's Exile Story of Return and Revolution, 1991 The Muse Is Always Half-Dressed in New Orleans, 1995, 1996 Zombification: Essays from NPR, 1995, 1996 The Dog with the Chip in His Neck: Essays from NPR & Elsewhere, 1996 Hail Babylon! Looking for the American City at the End of the Millenium, 1998 The Devil Never Sleeps & Other Essays, 2000 An Involuntary Genius in America's Shoes: And What Happened Afterwards, 2001 Ay, Cuba! A Socio-Erotic Journey, cu fotografii de David Graham, 2001 The Posthuman Dada Guide - Tzara & Lenin Play Chess, 2009 Candoarea straina, Bucuresti, Editura Fundatiei Culturale Romane, 1997
Romane si povestiri:
The Repentance of 1994, The Blood Countess, Contesa sangeroasa, 1995, 1996 Messiah, Mesia, 1999 A Bar in Brooklyn: Novellas & Stories, 1970-1978, 1999 Wakefield, 2004, traducere romaneasca 2006